
Volunteering for 2025 Coming Soon
Any questions regarding volunteering in 2025 contact [email protected] or 702-579-7529

Volunteers must be 12 or over

Who Can Volunteer

Anyone who is capable of handling one or more of the volunteer jobs on a performance night, has to have a friendly and positive attitude, likes the theatre and does not mind working.

Groups up to 10 volunteers may also volunteer.


Please click on the button & complete the application.

Large Groups are now required to register individually. 

If you have questions you may email [email protected]


We hope you will be having a great time, being a useful part of the community, and enjoying a fine production (for free). Prior to starting your assignment. You might be doing one or more of the following:

  1. Helping stuff the playbill into programs.
  2. Cleaning up the meadow.
  3. Turning over the garbage cans and assuring they have bags tied to each handle and one inside.
  4. Helping carry product into the concession stand or memorabilia shed.
  5. Removing the chairs from the shed.
  6. Sweeping the walkways and/or hosing it down.


Wear comfortable clothing, bring layers (it gets cool in the evenings). Closed toed shoes are required. Please, no sandals. For some jobs, you have to stand for several hours. Bring a sun hat and sunscreen.


Each night the SST Board Representative in charge of the area you are assigned to will provide training.


EARLY CONCESSION – 5 PM to approximately 7:45 PM. Jobs include cooking and serving hot dogs, making and serving various cold and hot drinks, popping corn, etc. Concessions volunteers must be 16 or older. 

LATE CONCESSION – 7:35 PM to approximately 9:45 PM. Making popcorn and then cleaning the machine after concession closes or helping inside the concession stand with serving and then helping with cleanup. You will receive a free ticket for the show for another night. Concessions volunteers must be 16 or older. 

EARLY MEADOW – 5:00 PM to approximately 7:45 PM. Greet patrons with a friendly smile. You will be assisting patrons in finding a place to sit, and assuring the space is well utilized, i.e., not a lot of green space between blankets; chairs placed with the back legs on the white line. Monitor garbage cans so they do not overflow.

LATE MEADOW – After the Show. Help pull the trash bags, placing the filled bags behind the cans. Help clean up the meadow, take SST blankets, tarps and chairs back to shed.

MERCHANDISE: – 5:00 PM to approximately 7:45 PM. Help set up the memorabilia, pull chairs out for nightly rental and assist patrons with carrying chairs to the meadow. After the show assist with returning chairs to the shed.

PARKING – GENERAL – 4:45 PM to approximately 7:30PM. Help control of traffic, directing cars to parking places. Radios may be used. Bring a hat and sunscreen. Parking volunteers must be 18 or older. 

HANDICAPPED PARKING – 5:00 PM to approximately 7:45PM. Direct traffic entering handicapped parking. You may also be handling bus traffic. Parking volunteers must be 18 or older. 

HANDICAPPED GREEN GATE GUARD – 5:00 PM to 7:45PM. This is the exit from the handicap area to the upper park area. Only authorized vehicles (emergency vehicles, rangers and their families, police) may enter through this gate. Patron auto traffic cannot enter, but all traffic can exit. You also control pedestrian traffic, stamping the hand as leaving and checking for stamps when entering. Radio will be used.

HANDICAPPED ROAD TRAIL GUARD – 4:45 PM. to 7:30 PM. Radio will be used. You will sit at the point where traffic leaves the general parking lot to travel to the Handicapped Parking area. No persons should be entering the roadway on foot to the pavilion or meadow and only people with handicapped placards/plates are allowed to drive down that road.

TOP OF TRAIL GUARD – 4:45 PM. To 7:30 PM. Patrons are not permitted entry until meadow is open. Your job is to stand at the top of the trail and make sure only authorized SST Board members, volunteers and police enter. At 6:00 PM, or when the trail opens, return to Board table for assignment. Radio will be used. Top of Trail volunteer must be 18 or older. 

PROGRAMS – 5:45 PM to 7:45 PM. Stuff programs, greet patrons and distribute programs.

TICKETS – 4:45 PM to approximately 7:30 PM. Greet Patrons and Collect tickets. Direct any questions or purchases to Ticket Rep. Make sure you wear a hat and sunscreen. Ticket volunteers must be 16 or older. 

Service Hours/Volunteer Recognition:

SUPER SUMMER THEATRE will, upon request, provide a letter to your sponsoring group, including the names of each group member who volunteered and the number of their volunteer hours for the season. If an individual letter is needed, we will be glad to provide that also.


We hope you will have a great time. Your volunteer help is appreciated by SUPER SUMMER THEATRE. The only way non-profit groups like SUPER SUMMER THEATRE can provide high quality, affordable entertainment for the community is with the support of volunteers like you. We hope to see you at the park

Have you Volunteered with us already?

Consider becoming a Volunteer Provisional Board Member!

If you are interested, you will be asked to attend 2 General Board Meetings per year and must be able to Volunteer 6 times per year.

To become a Volunteer Provisional Board Member please contact [email protected].